Dungeon Daddy Read online

Page 15

  “Ryder!” Another sharp crack.

  “Daddy!” He turned me around.

  “You remember what I said. You do not speak to me unless I give you permission. And for God’s sake, do not—”

  “He’s hurting her!”

  The noise around us dimmed, and I turned to look at the couple again. I hadn’t caught the attention of the large man yet, but the woman’s eyes met mine, tear-stained.

  “Master,” she wailed. “Please, stop!”

  And yet the beating went on. She closed her eyes, her wails rising, and I’d had enough. I yanked my hand away from Ryder. He reached for me, but I moved too fast. Dimly aware I’d likely get punished, it was a risk I was willing to take to save the poor woman. How could he allow this to happen in a place he owned? I wouldn’t obey a man who did that.

  Desperate, I shoved him off me and ran to the man with the paddle who was easily twice my size, and kicked him in the shin, hard.

  The paddle clattered to the floor. “What the fuck is this?” he said, and the room quieted. The woman turned her tear-stained face to look at me, her jaw dropped, as I reached for her restraints.

  “Bitch!” she screamed. “You’ve done enough. If you release me I swear to God I’ll tear your hair out!”

  I froze, and everyone around us did at the same time, as Ryder’s deep, commanding voice carried across the room.


  I turned to face him, not wanting to, knowing I’d crossed a line I never should have.

  God, I’d been so stupid.

  Never interfere in a scene.

  I’d broken rule number one and rule number two.

  The Dominant who’d been wielding the paddle turned to me, his eyes dark with anger. “You’re with Master Ryder, then? Good.” He looked to Ryder, with a small nod of deference before he continued. “Then I know he’ll follow protocol.”

  With dread pooling in my stomach, unable to escape the inevitable, I looked to Ryder. His eyes were furious, his jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring as he looked at me. “Two rules,” he said, low, but it was so quiet in here now I knew that everyone heard him. “Two rules and you broke them both.” As he stared at me across the room, I shook. His eyes never leaving mine, he slowly removed his suit coat and hung it on the back of a chair, then loosened his tie. He slid the satin off his neck and unfastened the knot, eyes on me the whole time as a nervous, eager hum filled the room. The clinks of glasses had stopped, even the music seemed softer now, as we took center stage.

  He slid his tie into his pocket, rolling up first one shirt sleeve, then the next, revealing strong, muscled forearms. I swallowed. He was going to punish me, here in front of every set of eyes that were on us now.

  Not everything may be as hot as you think when you experience it.

  Would this be?

  There was no doubt in my mind I was going to be punished.

  When both shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbow, he unfastened the thick black leather belt that straddled his hips. My stomach plummeted to the floor at the clink of metal, then the soft whir of fabric as he tugged it free. Forming a loop, he pulled the folded end, and snap! The crack of leather reverberated in the room. “Come here.”

  I don’t know how I made it to him with the knowledge of what was to come. When I reached him, he took me by the elbow firmly and marched me toward the bar, making me feel like a naughty girl about to be punished. Though fear zinged through me, I felt a pulse of need between my thighs, a wave of arousal rising.

  He’s going to punish you.

  I tried to talk myself into reason, but I couldn’t help it. People cleared as we neared the bar, and at the very same time my cheeks heated with embarrassment, my breath catching in my throat, my belly dipped with excitement.

  “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” He spoke loud enough that anyone nearby could hear him.

  “I-I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “That’s a start.” We made it to the bar and to my shock, he cleared it with a sweep of his arm, glass clattering to the floor.


  Still, silence surrounded us.

  “We’ll start with my belt. Hold the ledge and spread your legs.”

  I closed my eyes and obeyed, gripping the edge for support. A sharp smack hit the side of my legs. I yelped and spread my legs further apart.

  “You’ll hold position.” I gasped as he yanked up my dress, his mouth coming to my ear. “You’ll lose your panties. You wanted this, kitten? Let’s see how it feels in real life.”

  He grasped the edge of my panties and tugged down. Oh my God. I was bared in front of a crowd of strangers, about to be punished. I closed my eyes, cringing, wanting to die, but knowing that the only thing worse than this would be if he didn’t follow through now. I was heady with arousal and excitement, my legs trembling as I waited for the first sting of his lash.

  “We do not interfere in scenes in my dungeon,” he growled, then whap! His belt hit my ass. It burned, and I danced on both feet but didn’t have a chance to recover before another stinging whap! followed the first. Another smack, then another. I could feel welts rising, the skin throbbing with every lick of his belt, and yet I wanted more. Deep down inside I knew I’d broken the rules, I’d disobeyed him, and obedience was the most important gift I gave him, playing my part in our exchange. I wrestled with guilt, knowing I needed to be punished longer, harder.

  The smack of leather on naked skin filled the quiet room, and I heard murmurs going up around us. My ass throbbed, arousal dampening my thighs. I could hardly take anymore, each lash driving home both pain and pleasure. Then he stopped. I gripped the edge of the bar for dear life, panting, so close to tears I could nearly taste them, when I heard him threading his belt back on his waist.

  “Come here, now. You took your first spanking. Now I’ll finish what I started.”

  I turned to him, my ass throbbing from the belting, my knees shaking, all eyes on me. He grabbed a chair, swung it around, and sat his large frame down heavily. Knees apart, he clenched his jaw and pointed to his knee. “Now.”

  He wasn’t finished.

  I somehow made my way to him. When I reached him, he tilted his head and pointed once more, indicating for me to lay myself down over his lap. “Two infractions. Two spankings.” He lowered his voice. “And when I’m done? There will be one well-behaved little kitten who needs her pussy licked.”

  My jaw fell open and I shut it quickly, my chest rising and falling with the rapid breaths I took.

  “Now, young lady, before I fetch a cane.” He shook his head, his lips pursed. “And you don’t want a caning over what you just got.”

  No, I didn’t want to find out how that would feel. I ignored the stares and whispers around us as I laid myself straight over his lap. My legs flailed out behind me. He captured them in one swift move, tucking them under his arm.

  “You’ll take your spanking over my knee for being a naughty girl,” he lectured. “A naughty little girl who needs to remember who her Daddy is.” His mouth came to my ear. “That girl likes to beg her master to stop. The tears are part of her act. No one’s allowed to use “no” as a safeword here. You ruined their scene. Because of you, I’ll have to issue a credit to both of them for their inconvenience, and re-issue protocol reminders that sub scene interference must be met with immediate punishment. Consider yourself lucky. A Dominant who interferes without good cause loses member privileges.”

  Without warning, his huge hand clapped on my naked, throbbing backside. It hurt like hell, and I bucked on his lap, swearing out loud, and got another hard swat for that, then another. Swats rained down on my ass and I whimpered, remembering my safeword but no, I wouldn’t use it, I would not bail the first time he fulfilled my fantasies. I had so many others I wanted him to satisfy. I would take my punishment. I deserved it. I wanted this.

  Six sharp swats landed on my thighs and ass, one after the other. The spanking burned, it hurt so badly, and he did nothing but spank m
e. Some swats were lighter than others, as if he was priming me, then bam! he took my breath away with another harsher one. The burn and sting pushed me into deep submission. My head swam with the pain and loss of control as he held me tightly over his knee.

  “Ten more for your defiance. You will count these for me.”

  His hand rose and fell with a loud crack. “One!” My head felt strangely fuzzy, as I were drifting, floating, and not in the room anymore. Had everyone left?

  Another sharp smack. “Two!”

  I closed my eyes, lost in the moment of pain and pleasure, my breasts brushed up against his sturdy thighs. “Three!”

  By the fourth, I tried to speak but something strange happened. I mumbled, but didn’t know what I said, I couldn’t make sense of the words. The room seemed to fade, and the pain began to lessen. I murmured something incoherent, and my head felt as if it were floating away from my body. Something was shifting. I still felt the whacks of his palm on my naked skin, but I welcomed the pain now, needing more, needing harder, needing to fully submerge myself in this. The last swat fell, and though I opened my mouth to speak, nothing came out.

  “Ten,” Ryder said for me. He pulled down my dress and swiveled me onto his lap, pressing my head against his chest as he spoke over my head.

  “I apologize on behalf of my submissive. I assure you, it will not happen again. Please see Master Seth tomorrow for your compensation.”

  The large man grunted behind me, but I was only dimly aware of anything except Ryder lifting me up into his arms and walking away. I was floating. Soaring. The crowd had faded, and I heard his shoes clicking on the floor but little else. I could smell him, the clean, masculine scent of wood smoke and pine, and without thinking about it, I burrowed into his arms. My backside throbbed but I was floating, drifting away.

  “Are you sorry, baby?” he asked. I tried to respond but the words were difficult to speak, slurred and strangely stuck in my throat.

  I nodded instead, and buried my head on his chest.

  “Can you speak?”

  Yes, I said in my mind but my body wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Y-yes,” I whispered, with difficulty.

  I didn’t know what was happening to me, but thankfully, Ryder did.

  “Shh, baby. Don’t say anything. This is where I take care of you now. Ride it, kitten.”

  Ride it.

  I closed my eyes and giggled, though I wasn’t amused. Nothing struck me as funny. I just felt light. Free. Everything that troubled me seemed inconsequential. Nothing mattered but me and Ryder, and the ache between my legs I needed satisfied.

  “Good girl,” he whispered against my ear, his head nestled in my hair. We reached the elevator and he hit it with his elbow. I closed my eyes then, drifting, the feeling of floating exhilarating. I didn’t know what was happening, but I didn’t need to. Ryder did, and that was all that mattered. He would take care of me.

  A vague ding sounded over my head but still, I kept my eyes closed, breathing in his scent, enveloped in his strength and protection. I heard a distant whir behind me, and he stepped onto the elevator.

  My belly dipped as the elevator soared upward, my heart pounding along with the need that throbbed within me. I whimpered a little, needing him to touch me, to stroke me, to bring me to climax. He kissed my forehead before his mouth came to my ear, and he took the lobe between his teeth.

  “Daddy takes care of you now,” he whispered. “Such a good girl, taking her spanking. She’s learned her lesson. That’s my girl, my sweet little kitten, purring on her Daddy’s chest. Such a good girl.” He spoke in a low, soothing tone. I closed my eyes as the door to the elevator opened. He stepped into the hallway. I hoped we’d made it to his place. I couldn’t bear the thought of being near anyone else right now. I needed to be near him, and hated the idea of anyone else seeing me in this state, whatever that state was. I had no idea, but it felt deeply personal. I had somehow lost control of my reactions.

  A low beep sounded and a soft click. I opened my eyes, the lights seeming too bright, so I closed them again and nuzzled back against his strong chest as the door shut behind us. He kept walking, and soon he bent down, laying me gently on his bed.

  “I’m taking your clothes off now, Rae. You need to be stripped. Skin to skin contact will be best. I know it’s hard for you to talk, so just nod your head for Daddy, okay?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  I opened my eyes and took him in, the glorious sight of his tousled dark hair and his intensely blue eyes focused on me with the most tender expression I’d seen. He unfastened the buttons at his collar, then swiftly finished unbuttoning his shirt. He slid out of it, tossing it into a basket by the closet. His white t-shirt stretched across the expanse of his muscled chest. He yanked at the bottom of his t-shirt tucked into his slacks and pulled, yanking the shirt off with one tug. With a quick toss, the t-shirt joined his dress shirt in the basket. Next, he unbuckled his belt. I moaned and shifted on the bed, my head still light, my body floating on air as I watched him pull it from his waist, my mouth dry with the memory of the strapping he’d given me.

  “Touch yourself,” he commanded. “Stroke your pussy for Daddy, kitten.” His low purr of a voice made me shiver as I obeyed, yanking up the dress and sliding my hands between my thighs. My fingers moved easily, my folds slick with arousal. I whimpered as I stroked myself, and he doubled up his belt, giving it a sharp snap before he tossed it. Yes. Fuck, yes.

  He unfastened his pants, pushing them down his hips. They pooled onto the floor and he stepped out of them, standing in front of me now in nothing but a pair of navy boxers. My hand moved faster, stroking harder, my need rising with every stroke of my fingers taking in his near-naked, beautiful form. He looked like a Greek God. The man deserved legions of angels at his feet. My thoughts swirled rapidly. I couldn’t hold a thought, couldn’t grasp anything but his gorgeous, strong form and my need to be satisfied.

  “Stop.” His deep voice halted my stroking. After he was satisfied I’d obeyed, he straddled my body, his large form over me, and I sighed. It was delightful having him straddle me like this, a symbol of his authority. I opened my mouth to speak but once more nothing came.

  “Don’t try,” he whispered, lowering his body onto mine, his strong chest pressed up against mine. “I’m going to strip you now, Rae. I want your naked skin against mine.”

  I nodded, still unable to speak, but I didn’t need to. He pulled me against his chest, holding me with one hand while with the other, he undressed me. Then he tugged the dress past my shoulders, and slid it down. He lifted my pelvis up, sliding the dress off. I still wore no panties, so I lay on his bed with nothing but my bra, which he made quick work of removing.

  “That’s it, kitten. Bare for Daddy. Shift over, baby.” He gently pushed me onto my side and tugged down the blanket. “Get under the covers, Rae. You may feel cold soon, and I want to prepare you.”

  Why would I feel cold soon? It seemed preposterous. My whole body seemed consumed with flames, my need for him growing with every second that passed.

  He pushed down his boxers under the covers and came back to me, gently lowering his body on mine. “Yeah, baby, just like that,” he said. I moaned out loud when I felt his warm cock between my legs. He ground himself against me while he held me, his cock sliding against my swollen clit. I groaned, needing more pressure, needing harder and faster.

  He lowered his mouth to my ear and I started at the warm, sensual swipe of his tongue against the shell of my ear. “I want to fuck you, Rae. I know you want this, too. Do you want this, kitten?”

  I could only nod my head vigorously, and respond by letting my legs drop open, welcoming him, begging him to take me. “Ah, that’s a girl,” he said. “We need to be safe though.” He pushed himself up to kneeling and reached over me, his scent enveloping me as he yanked open the drawer next to his bed. I heard a crinkling sound, and a moment later watched as he slid a condom over his hardened cock.

nbsp; “I’ll go gentle.”

  He held me close and brought his mouth to mine. I felt like a drowning woman finding air, gasping into his mouth, but completely consumed by him, his scent, his strength, his power and control. My need to be claimed by him was the only thing that mattered, and as he kissed me, he gently nuzzled his cock between my legs.

  He took his mouth off mine just long enough to whisper in my ear, “Relax. Let me do the work. I’m in charge now, and I’ll take care of you.” He took both my wrists in his hand and pinned them by my head, pushing his cock deeper between my legs. Pain quickly faded to pleasure as he met my resistance, a gentle but firm thrust that marked me as his. His tongue lapped at my collarbone, then he nipped, as he lifted his pelvis and thrust once more. The tug of pain faded to an electric pulse of need, every thrust bringing me closer to oblivion.

  I didn’t know I was crying until I felt the soft trickle on my cheek. He kissed my tears away, slowly making me as his, holding me against him, filling me with his presence. “Am I hurting you?” he whispered. I shook my head vigorously from side to side. Hurting me? I’d never experienced such exquisite pleasure.

  “Come, Rae. Come for Daddy now. Let yourself go.”

  Another full, beautiful, powerful thrust, and I shattered, my hoarse scream startling my own ears as I came with abandon. He growled in my ear, dots of perspiration along his strong, muscled shoulders as his whole body tensed with a deep growl, then relaxed, and we came down from climax together, panting into the silence of the room.

  He dropped his head to my forehead, his sweet breath coming in gasps, and my arms encircled his neck. I’d wanted him to make love to me so why was I crying? I wasn’t sad. I felt free, broken from the chains that bound me, freed from the past that haunted me. I belonged to this beautiful, powerful man who cared for me as if I were the most delicate china, as fragile as spun glass, his precious little girl. I sighed, my tears abating, as I rested in the warmth of his presence.